
Twenty Questions Tag

I was tagged by the lovely miss Kelly to do the Twenty Questions Tag. (Thank you, dahling!) Today seems like a good day to do a tag, as I still don’t have a book review to put up yet because I’ve been a slacker.

HOW MANY BOOKS IS TOO MANY BOOKS IN A BOOK SERIES? 3-4 books is the ideal number of books for me. Beyond that the story can start to feel too drawn out or there’s too much redundancy.

HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT CLIFFHANGERS? I love them and I hate them. They make you want to go purchase the next book immediately, so obviously they serve a good purpose for the author. Still, there’s nothing more infuriating than reading a great book and then it ends on a cliffhanger. When you get to the end it’s like:


HARDCOPY OR PAPERBACK? I don’t have a preference. Hardbacks look nicer, but paperbacks are easier to carry around in my purse.

FAVOURITE BOOK? As in one favorite? Bitch, please. I have too many favorites to pick just one. The Graveyard Book, Ocean at the End of the Lane, the Harry Potter series, Jane EyreThe Name of the WindFuriously HappyA Rose for the Crown… just to name a few.

LEAST FAVOURITE BOOK? Tess of the D’Urbervilles is the first that comes to mind. I was forced to read it in high school and it was longer and more painful than the slowest death you can imagine.

 LOVE TRIANGLES, YES OR NO? I am not against them, but I do think they are overdone in the YA genre. I don’t know about you guys, but I wasn’t caught up in an intense love triangle every other week in high school. Was it extra credit, or something?


THE MOST RECENT BOOK YOU JUST COULDN’T FINISH? The Way of Kings. It got too slow about halfway through and it just draaaaaagged.

A BOOK YOU’RE CURRENTLY READING? A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

 LAST BOOK YOU RECOMMENDED TO SOMEONE? Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, which I just read a few weeks ago.

OLDEST BOOK YOU’VE READ? I have no idea. I’m assuming Shakespeare is the oldest.

NEWEST BOOK YOU’VE READ? To Kill a Kingdom (review here)


BUYING BOOKS OR BORROWING BOOKS? Buying. When I borrow them I have to give them back…


BOOKMARKS OR DOG-EARS? Both. Kinda. I use bookmarks to hold my place when I’m reading, but I periodically do a tiny dog ear when I want to remember to go back and revisit certain pages. (I know some of you are cringing at this. Sorry not sorry!)


A BOOK YOU CAN ALWAYS REREAD? Any of the Harry Potter books. I’ve been reading them over and over again for 19 years now. (Fuck, I’m getting old.)


ONE POV OR MULTIPLE POV’S? I prefer one POV, although there are a handful of books I’ve read with more than one POV that were pretty cool. It depends on how well the author can write the same story with different personalities/voices. I feel like some authors struggle with this.

DO YOU READ A BOOK IN ONE SITTING OR OVER MULTIPLE DAYS? It usually takes a few days to a week for me to finish a book. I work full-time, have dance, am working on my own books, etc. I don’t always have the time to finish books super quickly.

ONE BOOK YOU READ BECAUSE OF THE COVER? The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly



Tag, you’re it!

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