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Cafe Books in Canmore 

Good day from Canada! I am currently sitting in a gourmet sandwich shop, mooching off the wifi and eating something delectable. I am out on my own today, exploring the streets of downtown Canmore. I plan on writing a longer, more detailed post about my trip to Banff towards the end of the week (Spoiler alert: it’s breathtaking here), but in the meantime I need to tell you about today’s discovery. 

In the middle of downtown Canmore lies an adorable independent bookstore called Cafe Books. (The cafe part refers to the quiet little tea room that lies adjacent to the bookstore.) It’s not a huge store but the selection is perfect, ranging from new fiction to arts and crafts to current affairs, with a little bit of everything in between. They also carry a selection of book-themed merchandise, like t-shirts and jewelry. 

I spent a good hour wandering around Cafe Books and probably would have stayed longer if my stomach hadn’t started growling. I almost dare to say that I may have liked the shop more than my other favorite indie bookshop in Asheville. I think I may have to go back one more time to make the final call. 

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